Sunday, August 30, 2020

Outrank Your Competitors with YouTube Video Course

  Ritesh Patil       Sunday, August 30, 2020

Discover How to Optimize Your Videos For The YouTube Search Engine So You Can Outrank Your Competitors with YouTube Video Course Starting Today

Discover How to Optimize Your Videos For The YouTube Search Engine So You Can Outrank Your Competitors with YouTube Video Course Starting Today

In this specific Outrank Your Competitors with YouTube Video Course, you will get to watch over my shoulder - step-by-step, click by click - and learn what you need to do before making your YouTube videos live.
It’s nothing new that YouTube is a huge source of traffic for your products or services.

Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. 

If you do it wrong and simply upload a video to

YouTube in the hopes that it will get ranked on YouTube and on Google then you won’t be as effective.

That may have worked back in 2005 and you could just throw a couple backlinks at it, but today is different.

The problem is that ranking on YouTube isn’t as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010.

Plus, on top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online.  

Many of these work and many of them have faded away.

So what works and what doesn’t?

What is a long term strategy that will work for years to come?

It’s simple.

Understanding what keywords are in demand and how to properly optimize your video BEFORE you make it live is what will help YouTube know where to categorize your video.

Methods have changed and so has YouTube’s algorithm.

You will learn the most updated SEO strategies that you must do before you make your YouTube videos live.

Grab this video course today and begin optimizing your videos for YouTube the right way.

Video #1 - Introduction to YouTube SEO

Before we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset. So, we will be discussing what you need to put your 100% focus into. In addition to that, we will discuss a quick overview of what's inside this video course, so you know exactly what to expect. You'll also get to see everything that you need to be able to get started successfully.

Video #2 - Competitive Research 

The best way to understand how you can rank better is to do a bit of competitive research. This will allow you to see what is working right now and why YouTube may be ranking certain videos over others.

Video #3 - Highly Searched Keywords

One mistake we see many YouTubers make is making their own title and description. Instead of deciding what you think will work, why not use what is already working? The best way to find highly searched keywords is to look at what is already out there and it’s free.

Video #4 - Your Title and Description

Taking what you have gathered in the previous videos, let me show you how to properly create your titles and descriptions. There’s a super easy trick we use to create titles that both convert and rank well.

Video #5 - Video File Optimization

Did you know that all files contain data that tells YouTube what your video could be about? This is one of the most skipped steps because it is a little technical. But you’ll learn how so you can get one step ahead of your competitors.

Video #6 - Your Thumbnail

Since our goal is to get more clicks to your YouTube video, we have to rely on attracting your viewers. The thumbnail is the first thing people see as they are scanning to find what interests them the most. You will learn what your Thumbnail should contain and what to do if you don’t have any design skills.

Video #7 - Video Length

The big question is how long should your video be? Yes, most folks have said to make your videos short and that worked in the past. But what about today? Should it belong? Should it be short?

Video #8 - Secret Tip to Outrank Your Competitors

In this video, we will cover a secret tip that has worked for us time and time again to outrank your competitors. This is one of the few methods that most people are aware of and it’ll be another step you have to be ahead.


Thanks for reading Outrank Your Competitors with YouTube Video Course

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